October 31, 2018 – Yankee Hill, California

And so my stay here nears its conclusion.

Emotions typically escalate toward the end, and have a tendency to come from both ends of the spectrum. Sad to leave these wonderful people and this peaceful place behind. Uncertain of what lies ahead at the next destination.

Excited to explore, experience, exist.

I film as much as possible as of late – replacing the kitchen floor with Jacob, receiving a “garden tour” with Rachel and Sequoia, and three very interesting interviews in the cabin. Tonight I have the pleasure of witnessing Jacob carving pumpkins with his daughters, Sequoia making apple crisp with Natoma, Rachel cooking up a Shepherd’s Pie, and Alora playing “Mean Queen” with anyone willing to participate.

An evening rife with activity.

Alora explains that her subjects must come kneel at her throne when called upon. There, they will be informed of their name, place, and purpose in life. The family receives their designations; Sequoia follows suit. I go last.

“Your name is Nicky.”

“Your place is home.”

“Your purpose is to… protect our family!”

We both smile as I thank Alora for such a meaningful purpose in life. And though I have my own family back home and would protect them if needed, Alora is more accurate than she may know. As I travel and temporarily become part of people’s families, I treat them as my own, as they do me. Does that even matter though?

Wouldn’t I do the same for a stranger’s family?

“I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can’t change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.” – Charles de Lint

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