October 6, 2018 – Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California

Day five.

Our first day off from work. Since a few of us have vehicles, we decide to go out on an adventure to Fern Canyon per Miles’ recommendation. I drive Johanne, Gabriela, and Gianni. I take pleasure in being able to spoil WWOOFers in this way, especially the ones from different countries—it feels like an act of service in a way.

After making stops in Willow Creek for food and Arcata for thrift store shopping, we make our way to the forest. I engage in conversation with Johanne and Gabriella over music as Gianni sleeps. Upon entering the forest, however, they go quiet in amazement of the massive Redwoods.


We get to the trail and begin our hike. You can see the delight on their faces. We enter Fern Canyon, and I’m immediately grateful that we chose to come here. The walls of the canyon are some 50 feet high and completely engulfed in ferns. Home Creek runs through the middle of the ground floor. It’s perfect. We travel a little way, then take a break to make tea, smoke holy herb, and engage in an impromptu dance session.

What’s a comfort zone?

I take as many pictures as I can without falling too far behind. We eventually come to a Redwood that exceeds the size of anything that should possibly grow. One of us investigates and discovers that there’s enough room for all of us to gather inside. I expect nothing less from this group. We play music, laugh, smoke, listen, and commune with nature.

Trying to keep us on schedule, I suggest heading back. We do so at our leisure, stopping along the way for photo shoots and additional exploration. I enjoy a meaningful conversation with Kay on the way. What an enlightened guy. Our last stop—with nearly perfect timing—is the nearby beach. We enjoy some wine from the vineyard and catch a remarkable sunset. A perfect day. We all agree it’s the best we’ve had in a long time.

“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” – John Muir

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