April 25, 2018 – Sierra Foothills, California

“Play Joao Gilberto,”

April requests from the backseat. I type the artist’s name into the 17” onboard touchscreen, which contains the media, communication, cabin, and vehicle controls. Brazilian Bossa Nova music starts playing. I continue exploring the controls, amazed by the digital sunroof slider, music streaming options, and paperless driver’s manual. Meibao decides to pull over and peruse the wares of a local farm stand.

I fully support any pitstop that fuels more of Meibao’s astounding cooking.

We’re on the way to Merced to get groceries. Meibao demonstrates the auto-pilot features of the Tesla Model S. Mind blown, I watch the vehicle automatically slow down as we enter a small town. It takes the curves remarkably well. Upon entering the town, the display alerts the driver to take the wheel. This is incredible. Meibao presses a button and says, “Play Ottmar Liebert,” with April’s suggestion. Spanish guitar music comes on.

After some light shopping at an Asian food market and Costco, we decide to hit the thrift shops downtown. Meibao eventually asks me to bring the Tesla closer, having walked a number of city blocks. Will I ever. I’ve been an investor in the company for a number of years now, but I never dreamed that I would actually drive one of its vehicles one day.

Elon Musk for president.

It’s a short drive to the parking lot a few blocks up. Smooth. Strong. Silent. God, I’d love to open this thing up. After a bit more shopping, we decide to depart for home. She offers me the privilege. I take it. The Tesla drives like a dream – effortless handling, unbelievable acceleration. The opportunity arises to pass a vehicle; I do so, reaching 98mph almost instantly. Alright, Nicholas. Finally, I decide to test out the auto-pilot. At 60mph, I engage the futuristic feature. Hands off the wheel. Foot off the pedal.

Holy shit.

“I should’ve brought a book,” I jest to the ladies. The feeling is half awe, half terror. I allow the car to drive itself for a short time before taking over and returning home. Simply amazing. Upon exiting the vehicle, I thank Meibao for the opportunity and for such an experience.

Two things that this lifestyle never fails to provide.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – Elon Musk

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