April 22, 2018 – Sierra Foothills, California

And like that, I’m starting year four.

[After an epic road trip from Iowa to California.]

This place is beautiful. My host (Meibao) lives in paradise – surrounded by a pond, various mountains and forests, numerous pastures, and more animals than I would know what to do with.

[Stop #1: Lincoln, Nebraska. I drive through a snowstorm. Stay with a friend that I haven’t seen for awhile. We stay up late and talk. Leave her place at 5:00 AM.]

After settling in for an indeterminate amount of time, my fellow “WWOOFer” (April) shows me the evening feeding regimen. We start with the chicks, guinea pigs, and rabbit. Next is the horses, goats, pigs, sheep. She shows me how to milk the goats; I do so for the first time in my life. The dogs get a taste. We wrap things up with the guineafowl. The cattle are satisfied with grazing.

[Stop #2: Copper Mountain, Colorado. The scenery gets much better. I meet up with an old friend from high school that works at the resort. We enjoy live music for the last day of the season. Drink adult beverages. Have good conversations. Leave at 6:00 AM.]

I’m then treated to one of the best meals I’ve had since leaving Lutsen. Pan-fried pork chops, homemade bread with homemade goat cheese, swiss chard salad. Organic everything.

Maybe I should stay an extra week?

[Stop #3: Gilbert, Arizona. More amazing views. I arrive at my cousin’s house in the evening; she shows me a warm welcome. Next day, we go shopping for some vital items. Meet up with an old friend from high school. Dinner. Movie. Sleep. Next day, she takes me hiking on Camelback Mountain. We then meet said friend at an archery range, where my cousin shoots for the first time. I shoot my longbow for the first time. Progress. Dinner. Goodbyes to my friend. Movie. Sleep. Leave at 5:00 AM.]

Morning comes. We feed the animals, then April prepares breakfast. Conversation ensues. She leaves for church; I decide to explore a bit of the property and work on my project. After lunch, we do work in the garden. Haul compost out to the pasture. The space seems endless. She tells me about the river on the other side of the hill.

[Stop #4: Monterey, California. Gorgeous. I rendezvous with my sister, who is here with her husband and nine-month-old on a business trip. It’s great to see them. We dine out, swim in the heated pool, go for a stroll on the beach, see the sights. I mostly watch my nephew and realize how fast he grows. I hope to be present in his life. With sadness and excitement, I depart.]

After work, I decide to go find that river. It’s a peaceful walk up and over the sprawling pastures. I hear the flowing water, which excites this Pisces. I snap a couple photos and get ready to head back for dinner, but wait…

Sit down and meditate.

I find a large rock in the middle of the river and sit cross-legged for just a few minutes. How long has it been? Too long. I haven’t had this kind of peaceful state of mind since Trout Lake, Washington.

I’m just a few days in, but thus far, California shows great promise.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

One Comment on “April 22, 2018 – Sierra Foothills, California

  1. Looking forward to seeing you, Nephew! It’s gonna be hard to top that! But we’ll give it a try!

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