April 26, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington

Over two years in, but here’s another first.

I’m sitting at Jack’s neighbor’s house (Karen and Stuart) eating dinner with them and three travelers who arrived earlier today – Will from England, and Leah and Alex from Minnesota. Will is staying and working with Jack and I; Leah and Alex with Karen and Stuart.

Neighbors that are both hosts to travelers.

It’s like a small version of my vision coming to fruition. I fail to ask, but I wonder which one of them was the first to do so? I imagine an entire neighborhood of hosts. How much will these organizations grow? How much good could be accomplished?

I engage Alex and Leah in some Midwest-related small talk. Where they’re from. Where I’ve been. Why I’m here. Turns out they’ve been living this way for a couple years, but Will is reasonably new to the lifestyle. In fact, they just met Will at their last stay and decided to bring him along to Trout Lake.

Another first.

I have not encountered anyone yet who had done such a thing with a fellow traveler, though I’ve dreamt about the possibility. I would certainly do the same if given the opportunity. I even invited the last person I was involved with to come with me. Having a traveling companion (short or long-term) would definitely alter my experience.

Would I really want to do that?

Pleasure and pain, though directly opposite are contrived to be constant companions.” – Pierre Charron

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