August 25, 2016 – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

And that… is a brief history of my colon.”

My cousin Molly always had a way with words. She’s driving my other cousins (Kelsey, Reese) and I from Yellowstone National Park to the Grand Tetons whilst entertaining us with too much information. Despite the forest fires blazing throughout the parks, we’re still managing to enjoy ourselves.

A much needed break to get away and clear my head.

Do I sense an annual tradition coming on? My immediate family only went on one or two vacations that I can remember… perhaps my cousins can fill that void from here on out. I’m sure it helps matters that we are all young and single, but I think more to the point is their sense of adventure. Kelsey initiated our trip to Europe. Reese went on excursions with me in Minnesota. Molly is taking charge of our current journey.

And I’m truly thankful for them all.

I would consider this the first time I’ve been away from the Midwest for as long as I have, and it feels great to have family come out and visit. Camping, hiking, sightseeing. How truly American of us.

If only we had some hats to throw into the geysers.

I’ve never looked more like a lesbian than right now.” – Molly

2 Comments on “August 25, 2016 – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

  1. Fabulous! Enjoyed every word! And that’s an Eddie Murphy quote from the intro to Delirious, if I am remembering correctly. But I’m sure Molly was every bit as funny. I’d love to see the cousins make these annual excursions. I miss you, Neeksan!

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