April 12, 2016 – Helena, Montana

One month isn’t long enough.

Or maybe it’s too long. As we sit around the living room, I realize that I could see myself getting attached to this family very easily. My hosts’ son is a man that inspires and challenges those around him while being gentle and mindful. Their daughter is attractive, funny, and has a strong love of travel. Easy, Nick. They’re all intelligent, caring, good people.

We’re having a “family discussion” – a new idea proposed by said intelligent son (Beau). The idea is that once a week after dinner, the family will engage in a conversation based on a particular topic. The goal is to learn together, grow together, connect with each other. I love it.

Since family members at times can take sides or drift towards “poles,” Beau decides to read a passage in order to “set the tone” or serve as an example of how these conversations would ideally take place. In it, the author expresses the difficulty in siding with the “left” or “right” as opposed to using basic civil principle as a moral guide. The family struggles to remain on topic, but I admire his effort to encourage open-mindedness and the willingness to explore alternative points of view.

Which brings me back to one of the many things I love about this lifestyle. I imagine this family and many others around the world engaging in conversation with people from other places. Learning from their perspective on matters. Growing as a family unit with new ideas, expanded consciousness. Connecting with each other.

Connecting with the world.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” – Mark Twain

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