End: Year One, Lutsen, Minnesota

Reflections: 2015.

The most challenging and rewarding year of my life thus far.

The world has opened up to me in a way in which I never knew was possible. Or possibly, I never knew which way to open myself up to the world.

Until now.

Spending time with four hosts across Minnesota this year, I’ve encountered many different people, communities, environments, and feelings. Each time I stop somewhere for an extended period of time, it seems that certain forces try to draw me in. Is it the people? Nature? Myself? God? Regardless, these forces are welcoming. Alluring. Powerful.

When we break the chains that bind us to our conditioned existence, is it truly possible to do anything? To feel comfortable anywhere, with anyone, under any circumstance?

Can human beings be permanently content with a lifestyle that breeds constant change in environment, fleeting relationships, and eternal impermanence? If we leave pieces of ourselves with people and places as we go, can we still feel whole?

I am fascinated by this experience, by this existence. This way of life. It has captivated my mind, given my body a greater sense of purpose, and nourished my soul in a way I can’t describe in words. I feel somewhat enlightened, evolved.

I must continue.

Deciding to pass over North Dakota for now, I begin my time in Montana on the first of April.

Nothing endures but change.” – Heraclitus

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