July 18, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Well, this takes me back.

I feel much too old to be hanging out with these college-aged co-workers of mine at a bonfire-turned-house party, but how could I possibly say no? They’re young, attractive, and Minnesota nice. Did I say house party? Because it feels more like a mansion to my standards. It’s no secret, though; there is a lot of money in areas like these. My friend is giving me the tour of the place, which turns into an aerobic workout. What a luxurious living space.

I could care about the multitude of amenities that this household provides. The game room that is entertaining all of us this evening. The basement bar that we’re drinking in. The fabulous view of the lake from the fire pit.

But I don’t.

Don’t get me wrong, all of these things are pretty amazing in their own right. But my focus is elsewhere. It’s on the people in front of me. The short time I have with them. The things we surround ourselves with don’t really matter. What matters is that we appreciate each others’ company. Then it hits me…

I’m halfway through my time here already.

It’s hard not to get a little depressed with the thought of leaving this place and these people. Leaving the family that I’ve spent eight cumulative months with. Do I let these thoughts hinder the rest of my experience here, or use them as motivation to embrace the present even more so?

Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour.” – Walt Whitman

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