June 1, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

What a beautiful place.

Kaia (Mari’s mother) is driving me around town, giving me a tour of the area and their properties. Crosslake is a town amongst the Whitefish chain of lakes, so there are stunning views everywhere. It’s a charming little place with a population around two thousand. Except for the summer months. Vacationers come from all over the state to enjoy the summer weather here.

It’s like Okoboji, Iowa, on steroids.

I wave and smile to Dallin (Mari’s father) as I continue to bring my stuff into the guest cabin. The guest cabin, which they tell me I’ll be sharing with their family from time to time this summer, is essentially all mine. So… I get a guest cabin, I get to see more of Mari and Syr, and my own family can come visit too? My God, I’m a blessed man. That’s all I can think about during my first day here. How blessed I am.

I already have two paying jobs lined up here.

I get to wake up to this gorgeous view every day.

I’m somewhere new. Somewhere unfamiliar.

This is my adventure.

These joys, however welcome, also come with fears. Fears that are relatively new to me. Fears that accompany this new lifestyle.

Will I be working too much during my time here? Will there be enough time to explore the state?

Can I stay focused in a place that encourages and welcomes drinking and partying?

Am I able to handle the emotional strife produced by forming new relationships knowing that I’ll be leaving them so soon?

Whatever the answers to these questions may be, I know without a doubt that I don’t have the time to wade cautiously into the water. On the contrary, I’m diving in – head first.

I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” – Rosa Parks

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