May 14, 2015 – Somewhere in Southern Minnesota

Wow, my interviewing skills are terrible.

I’m sitting across from two lovely women I met through my preferred hosting website, conducting my first interview ever. They tell me about their decision to host travelers. Their outlook on life. Their dreams. In return, I share mine.

As we discuss these things, I wonder if I will ever be in their position. How will I feel about myself if I ever go back to a “normal” life? The psychological aspect alone frightens me. Could I live with myself? Would I ever be truly happy and content? One thing I know for sure is that if I did, I would most certainly want to host travelers as they do.

Not only to meet people or aid them in their travels. Not just to hear their stories.

But to embrace the interconnectedness of mankind.

To feed off of it.

To live off of it.

Some of us act as the veins, and others act as the blood flowing through them. We need each other. Therefore, if at some point I do return to my somewhat “normal” life, I will make every effort to support and encourage this alternative lifestyle.

Hopefully my future wife will feel the same way.

With the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the best ways for realizing the interconnectedness, or the oneness, of life is through social action…The way to deepen that realization and actualization is to do social action based on our Three Tenets: approaching a situation from not knowing, bearing witness, and then taking loving action. If you do that, you’re going to, little by little, grok the interconnectedness of things. You’re out there serving others, who are aspects of yourself.” – Bernie Glassman

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