Tag: young

February 22, 2017 – Bozeman, Montana

“Are you building a wall?” I ask the young boy at the bar as he places multiple check presenters upright and positions them next to each other in a row. “Yeah, it’s Donald Trump’s wall!” I laugh out …

August 25, 2016 – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

“And that… is a brief history of my colon.” My cousin Molly always had a way with words. She’s driving my other cousins (Kelsey, Reese) and I from Yellowstone National Park to the Grand Tetons whilst entertaining us …

August 18, 2016 – Bozeman, Montana

…And here I am, left starving. Fighting the intrusive thoughts, trying to focus on the task at hand. It’s my first time pouring concrete, but my mind keeps wandering toward a recent night that ended with much more …

June 5 , 2016 – Hungry Horse, Montana

Traveling always seems to bring me down. Not in a bad way, but more like a “I wish I could afford to do this all the time” way. I recently returned from Seattle, where I visited an old …

March 18, 2016 – Lutsen, Minnesota

What else can I get rid of? It’s my last day at the resort, and I’m minimizing my belongings as I load up my car. A welcome and necessary pre-relocating tradition. I add a shirt to the “Goodwill” …

July 18, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Well, this takes me back. I feel much too old to be hanging out with these college-aged co-workers of mine at a bonfire-turned-house party, but how could I possibly say no? They’re young, attractive, and Minnesota nice. Did …

April 15, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

Ripple effect: a situation in which one event causes a series of other events to happen; a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect of influence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ …

January 28, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

“It’s nice to see a parent that takes the time to play with their child.” I smile and say, “Thank you,” to the kind stranger paying me such a compliment as I’m watching Syr play at a nearby …