Tag: stowe
Posted on May 2, 2016
October 10, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota
The cowboys must have had it pretty good in those old bath houses… …I think to myself as I heat up some water for an old-fashioned spit bath. I gather my shaving materials, body wash, and rag (a …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, adventure, america, american, area, available, barbarism, bath, bathing, booze-induced, clean, clean-up, cleanliness, confidence, courtesy, cowboys, daily, depressed, explore, fall, female, feminine, Finland, fond, friend, game, gathering, help, hiking, houses, life, luxury, mindlessly, Minnesota, motivation, naturalists, necessity, normal, north, october, old-fashioned, order, others, plan, presence, rag, remote, running, save, shaving, shenanigans, soaking, social, spit, states, stowe, T50YP, thankful, the, travel, true, united, use, visit, wash, water, women, year
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