Tag: sister
Posted on June 22, 2019
October 18, 2018 – Yankee Hill, California
“Here we go Down that same old road again” (Deep in thought, I sit in the living room, staring blankly at my computer. Before a hiking trip a few days ago, I stopped in town for coffee and …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, adventure, album, amazed, america, autumn, balance, band, beauty, california, change, changing, child, concept, control, conversation, dredg, dwellings, emotions, empathy, event, example, excites, experience, explore, failing, fall, family, fear, goal, happy, help, helping, hiking, honest, hope, hosts, husband, illusion, Iowa, journey, lead, life, lifestyle, living, loving, lyrics, memory, mind, modest, music, nephew, news, nomadic, normal, october, old, others, partner, people, plan, playing, psychologically, regret, relationships, rerooted, ringtone, road, same, scenario, selflessness, sister, song, southwest, states, stronger, sympathy, T50YP, terrifies, tests, the, thought, travel, traveling, uncle, united, within, yankee hill, year
Posted on December 7, 2018
July 10, 2018 – Petaluma, California
Thus begins the depressive slide into normality. Living with family, working a cush job, spoiling myself with television and increased alcohol consumption. Not for a lack of trying: I’ve sent messages to hosts listed in the Petaluma area …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, adventure, aid, alcohol, america, area, bay, ben, bond, brother, california, camping, cousin, cousins, depressive, diablo, excitement, experience, explore, family, father, financial, guilty, help, helping, hiking, hosts, important, invitation, journey, july, lafayette, lifestyle, messages, mother, mt, necessity, new, normality, others, petaluma, place, plan, relationship, schnetzer, sibling, significant, sister, south, spoiling, states, strong, summer, T50YP, television, the, The 50 Year Plan, travel, trip, united, west, work, working, world, year
Updated on May 25, 2018
April 22, 2018 – Sierra Foothills, California
And like that, I’m starting year four. [After an epic road trip from Iowa to California.] This place is beautiful. My host (Meibao) lives in paradise – surrounded by a pond, various mountains and forests, numerous pastures, and …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, adventure, amazing, america, animals, April, archery, arizona, beach, beautiful, california, cattle, chicks, coast, colorado, compost, conversations, copper, cousin, dogs, excitement, explore, feeding, first, flowing, forests, four, friend, garden, gilbert, goats, gorgeous, grows, guinea, guineafowl, help, hiking, homemade, horses, host, Iowa, john, lake, life, lincoln, longbow, lutsen, meals, meditate, milk, mind, monterey, mountain, mountains, muir, nature, nebraska, nephew, old, organic, others, paradise, pastures, peaceful, photos, pigs, plan, pond, present, progress, promise, rabbit, receives, river, road, scenery, season, seeks, sheep, sights, sister, sit, south, Spring, state, states, stay, swim, T50YP, the, time, travel, travelers, trip, trout, united, valley, views, walk, washington, water, welcome, west, work, wwoof, year, yosemite
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