Tag: sharing

December 4, 2018 – South Lake Tahoe, California

“That’s the best shot I’ll have all night.” That’s what I say to Emma after sinking a stripe into a corner pocket. “Oh, yeah?” she replies as we look at each other and smile. She takes a drink …

June 27, 2018 – Sausalito, California

Oh, God… Jeff got robbed. The back hatch is open; the bow window is open as well. The second kayak and paddle are gone. I shine my flashlight around the interior of The Jubilee. It’s a mess. Papers …

August 10, 2016 – Bozeman, Montana

Our food system in this county is appalling. Working in the food service industry for over ten years has shown me plenty about America’s wasteful habits, but this is new to me. Dumpster diving. Not necessarily your typical …

July 4, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

It’s moments like these that can make a man question everything. Syr is laying on the dock next to her uncle Theo (Mari’s brother), watching the fireworks exploding all around the lake. Mari is there, along with her …