Tag: sailing

June 27, 2018 – Sausalito, California

Oh, God… Jeff got robbed. The back hatch is open; the bow window is open as well. The second kayak and paddle are gone. I shine my flashlight around the interior of The Jubilee. It’s a mess. Papers …

June 15, 2018 – Sausalito, California

“Oh, shi…” Surprise and instinct wash over me as I tumble into the bay from Jeff’s kayak. It’s cold. My clothes are like anchors. I quickly glance around to evaluate my surroundings and locate the things I had …

June 2, 2018 – Sausalito, California

A Day in the Life of Nicholas “North Bay” Miller: I wake up from my bench-bed on the starboard side of Jeff’s twenty-six foot sloop (sailing boat with single mast and only one head-sail). He greets me and …