Tag: productive
Posted on May 11, 2019
October 8, 2018 – Willow Creek, California
I must be up early. Nobody is in the kitchen yet this morning except myself and Nehem. We greet each other as I make some coffee and set up my computer in an attempt to be productive while …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, above, autumn, balance, catalyst, challenge, channel, civilization, connect, connected, connection, control, conversation, country, death, deeper, delicious, departure, desire, different, disciplining, discussion, emotions, engaged, enlightenment, environment, evolution, fall, family, Finland, fire, flow, free, freedom, friends, goodbyes, happiness, heal, home, humankind, immersed, improvement, incredible, interactions, interesting, journey, knows, land, listened, living, memories, mind, Minnesota, moment, naturally, nature, needed, needs, observe, october, old-fashioned, oneness, organism, party, pathways, peace, present, productive, project, purpose, relationships, root, searching, seattle, selfish, share, significant, slow, smile, strangers, suffering, T50YP, talked, technology, together, travelers, universal, videos, wander, washington, welfare, west, winery, wounds
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