Tag: patience

November 15, 2018 – South Lake Tahoe, California

If it weren’t for these hikes… Stop it, Nick. Look around you. Breathe the air. Enjoy the free time while you can. I often struggle with my mindset when it comes to these transitions. When I come to …

October 14, 2018 – Yankee Hill, California

“What’s your favorite color?” Alora asks me while we eat breakfast at the dining room table. “Red,” I respond as I watch her and Natoma play with some M&M’s, adding some to their oatmeal. “What’s your second favorite …

May 31, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

Has it been five months already? Tonight is my last with my first hosts, and the feeling is bittersweet. I’m afraid Mari and Syr have set the bar a bit too high. They’ve shown me the undeniable strength …