Tag: mythology
Posted on July 15, 2017
May 1, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington
“Open the gates! Open the gates! Open the gates!” …Everyone chants as Kirk (the Druid ceremony leader) paces quickly around the altar, slamming his staff down into the stone circle as he goes. Will and I are sitting …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, abbey, accept, adventure, altar, america, barren, ben, blessed, buddhist, casnocha, center, centering, ceremony, chants, circle, close, clouds, consecration, consume, curses, darken, deities, dramatic, druid, engagement, entertainer, event, experience, explore, expose, family, fire, flashy, form, gate, gates, gathering, gods, group, hands, help, interesting, invoking, join, keeper, lake, level, libation, life, macabre, May, merging, mindful, mythology, nature, north, offering, omen, others, participating, performs, plan, pole, possible, power, praising, prayer, proceedings, procession, pwyll, random, randomly, recites, retreat, returned, rhiannon, ritual, sacred, sacrifices, seeing, space, spectating, spiritual, Spring, staff, states, statues, stone, T50YP, the, time, travel, trout, united, washington, welsh, west, year, yore, yourself
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