Tag: moving

March 6, 2019 – South Lake Tahoe, California

“You really inspired me! I’m giving away all my stuff and leaving at the end of the month.” STOP IT. Are you serious? I’m nearly in disbelief as I read a Facebook message from a friend and fellow …

November 1, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

I hate saying goodbye. So much so that I completely avoid it when I can. Hence, here I am at 8:17am waking up and moving on to my next location without saying goodbye to the naturalists. Without saying …

August 12, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Before we know it, we see another meteor. What an incredible night. One of my friends hosted a fire/party tonight, which led up to a midnight boat ride on one of the clearest nights I’ve seen in a …

April 7, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

“Yeah, I have way too much stuff…” It’s 2013, and that’s what comes out of my mouth as a few friends are helping me move out of my two bedroom apartment. That’s right; I had my own two …