Tag: meaningful

March 6, 2019 – South Lake Tahoe, California

“You really inspired me! I’m giving away all my stuff and leaving at the end of the month.” STOP IT. Are you serious? I’m nearly in disbelief as I read a Facebook message from a friend and fellow …

October 31, 2018 – Yankee Hill, California

And so my stay here nears its conclusion. Emotions typically escalate toward the end, and have a tendency to come from both ends of the spectrum. Sad to leave these wonderful people and this peaceful place behind. Uncertain …

October 1, 2018 – CA HWY 1 (Part 1)

Time to get in deep… I think to myself as I begin the drive from Petaluma to Willow Creek. The experience at the farm with Andy was good, but I’m craving full immersion. The work exchanges are so …

June 5, 2018 – Sausalito, California

“So…what is this ‘Jubilee’?” …I ask Jeff as we sip our drinks at the local Starbucks. Unable to bring myself to adopt his methods (borrowing a newspaper and using their hot water to make tea), I purchased a …

May 18, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington

“That’s a great question…” …I say to Will. But I don’t exactly know how to answer. He is inquiring about how I personally maintain lasting friendships while living this lifestyle. Easier said than done. Weeks ago, he had …

End: Year Two, Bozeman, Montana

Reflections: 2016. Two years in now. Although my year in Montana has come with more surprises than my year in Minnesota, I’m feeling more adjusted to my “routine of change.” It seems I’m becoming more of a seasonal …

March 18, 2016 – Lutsen, Minnesota

What else can I get rid of? It’s my last day at the resort, and I’m minimizing my belongings as I load up my car. A welcome and necessary pre-relocating tradition. I add a shirt to the “Goodwill” …

November 3, 2015 – Lutsen, Minnesota

Change is hard. Even for me. This time is different though. Different in a way that’s much too familiar. Too easy. Due to that, I can sense a level of depression building inside. I attribute this feeling to …