Tag: last

April 18, 2017 – Bozeman, Montana

The events slated for my last day in this area are very apropos of my time here. One: Explore and take pictures of a local trail and waterfall area. Two: Watch Thomas deliver a presentation at a local …

April 24, 2016 – Helena, Montana

If I didn’t know I was in Montana, this place would make it apparent. I mean… the door handles are actual deer antlers. The ten commandments are displayed on a stretched out animal hide. I take a seat …

November 1, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

I hate saying goodbye. So much so that I completely avoid it when I can. Hence, here I am at 8:17am waking up and moving on to my next location without saying goodbye to the naturalists. Without saying …

May 31, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

Has it been five months already? Tonight is my last with my first hosts, and the feeling is bittersweet. I’m afraid Mari and Syr have set the bar a bit too high. They’ve shown me the undeniable strength …