Tag: interest

October 2, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

Commence work day #1. We wake up around 7am. Breakfast standard = every WWOOFer for themselves. It’s bottling day, therefore, we divide into day and night shifts. I work the day shift with Greg, Rein, Johanne, and Miles, …

August 18, 2018 – Sausalito, California

“Nelson! Come outside, quick!” Someone exclaims from the hallway. My supervisor heads outside as I continue making drinks and monitoring the bar. I wonder what happened? I quickly find out that three cars were broken into right outside …

May 18, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington

“That’s a great question…” …I say to Will. But I don’t exactly know how to answer. He is inquiring about how I personally maintain lasting friendships while living this lifestyle. Easier said than done. Weeks ago, he had …

June 22, 2016 – Hungry Horse, Montana

“You have a routine of change,” Miri says to me as we hike down from a waterfall in Columbia Mountain, where we had a brief midday meditation session. We’re talking more about my lifestyle – our views on …

June 5 , 2016 – Hungry Horse, Montana

Traveling always seems to bring me down. Not in a bad way, but more like a “I wish I could afford to do this all the time” way. I recently returned from Seattle, where I visited an old …

April 15, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

Ripple effect: a situation in which one event causes a series of other events to happen; a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect of influence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ …