Tag: incredible

October 8, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

I must be up early. Nobody is in the kitchen yet this morning except myself and Nehem. We greet each other as I make some coffee and set up my computer in an attempt to be productive while …

October 1, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

What an incredible group of people.  There are nine of us around the “WWOOFER kitchen” tables. It’s an open kitchen, and therefore susceptible to the elements. Tonight is a nice night. One of us prepared a family-style meal, …

June 2, 2018 – Sausalito, California

A Day in the Life of Nicholas “North Bay” Miller: I wake up from my bench-bed on the starboard side of Jeff’s twenty-six foot sloop (sailing boat with single mast and only one head-sail). He greets me and …

May 28, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington

My God, this feels incredible. I inhale deeply. With my eyes closed, I listen to the frogs croaking in the nearby pond. Slow exhale. I feel my body cooling from the water in the cold tub. Inhale. I …

August 12, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Before we know it, we see another meteor. What an incredible night. One of my friends hosted a fire/party tonight, which led up to a midnight boat ride on one of the clearest nights I’ve seen in a …