Tag: hosting

October 5, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

I can’t believe people do this. I’m being chauffeured up the most ridiculous “road” I’ve ever encountered – an old logging road that hasn’t been maintained in years. My driver is a friend of my new hosts; he …

July 4, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

It’s moments like these that can make a man question everything. Syr is laying on the dock next to her uncle Theo (Mari’s brother), watching the fireworks exploding all around the lake. Mari is there, along with her …

May 14, 2015 – Somewhere in Southern Minnesota

Wow, my interviewing skills are terrible. I’m sitting across from two lovely women I met through my preferred hosting website, conducting my first interview ever. They tell me about their decision to host travelers. Their outlook on life. …