Tag: history

May 7, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington

Breathe in. One… breathe out. Two… …I should have at least participated at the knap-in with the crew. Do I subconsciously use filming as an excuse not to try new things? Back to one. Breathe in. Two… breathe …

October 22, 2016 – Maple Grove, Minnesota

Do we really need twenty-seven clothing stores here? Thoughts from a man who has grown to despise shopping malls. Unfortunately (but most importantly, fortunately) for me, I picked up a temporary job within walking distance from my older …

August 25, 2016 – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

“And that… is a brief history of my colon.” My cousin Molly always had a way with words. She’s driving my other cousins (Kelsey, Reese) and I from Yellowstone National Park to the Grand Tetons whilst entertaining us …

June 5 , 2016 – Hungry Horse, Montana

Traveling always seems to bring me down. Not in a bad way, but more like a “I wish I could afford to do this all the time” way. I recently returned from Seattle, where I visited an old …

November 29, 2015 – Lutsen, Minnesota

Another holiday sacrificed to humanity in the books. I’m utilizing the resort’s swimming pool, reflecting on the recent Thanksgiving week. As per usual in the food service industry, I had to work the holiday. It’s only half bad …