Tag: guests

February 10, 2019 – Kirkwood Mountain, California

“Do you want to use this as a pillow?” I ask a guest as I present a bag of small towels. “Oh, thank you so much,” he responds as he lays across a number of lined up chairs …

December 31, 2018 – Kirkwood Mountain, California

I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t drinking over the holidays. 18? 19? I made a pact a couple weeks ago with a family member (to support their sobriety), but the significance really sinks in as I …

May 28, 2018 – Sausalito, California

What a nightmare. It’s Memorial Day in Sausalito, California. Countless tourists flood the streets. They come to see the sights, visit the shops, enjoy the weather. With this view of San Francisco, who can blame us? I’m walking …

May 19, 2018 – Sierra Foothills, California

Sweet relief. I feel a welcome sense of accomplishment as I watch the guests tour Meibao’s farm. We’ve worked many hours getting this place into shape. Weeding, mowing, brush and manure removal. Spreading compost and wood chips, building …

February 22, 2017 – Bozeman, Montana

“Are you building a wall?” I ask the young boy at the bar as he places multiple check presenters upright and positions them next to each other in a row. “Yeah, it’s Donald Trump’s wall!” I laugh out …