Tag: gathering
Posted on October 21, 2018
June 27, 2018 – Sausalito, California
Oh, God… Jeff got robbed. The back hatch is open; the bow window is open as well. The second kayak and paddle are gone. I shine my flashlight around the interior of The Jubilee. It’s a mess. Papers …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, adventure, america, anchor, area, arrangement, bay, beach, business, california, coast, community, concerns, construction, cookout, deck, deeper, dock, drama, epic, events, explore, family, feed, fellow, food, garden, gathering, grandiose, growth, hatch, help, helping, house, hugo, hungry, ideal, intentions, jubilee, june, kayak, life, man, meal, move, ode, opportunity, others, out, pacific, paddle, passion, petaluma, plan, plants, real, robbed, sailing, sausalito, sharing, south, space, states, stolen, summer, sympathy, T50YP, the, theft, travel, trips, united, victor, west, work, year
Updated on September 11, 2017
May 30, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington
Clink. Clink, clink. I cheers Karen and Stuart as we sit out on their deck for “happy hour.” My first and last with them. Their generosity and kindness will be remembered, as over the last month and a …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, absorb, accurate, adventure, aims, america, angeles, appetizers, clink, contact, conversation, crosslake, drink, drinks, dying, earned, explore, fired, food, gathering, generosity, goodbye, goodbyes, gun, happy, help, hosted, hour, kindness, lake, laugh, lifestyle, like, marjane, massage, May, mind, miss, moment, north, others, people, pistol, plan, port, retirement, satrapi, saying, served, Spring, states, summer, surprise, T50YP, talk, the, time, travel, trout, united, washington, weapon, west, western, work, year
Posted on July 15, 2017
May 1, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington
“Open the gates! Open the gates! Open the gates!” …Everyone chants as Kirk (the Druid ceremony leader) paces quickly around the altar, slamming his staff down into the stone circle as he goes. Will and I are sitting …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, abbey, accept, adventure, altar, america, barren, ben, blessed, buddhist, casnocha, center, centering, ceremony, chants, circle, close, clouds, consecration, consume, curses, darken, deities, dramatic, druid, engagement, entertainer, event, experience, explore, expose, family, fire, flashy, form, gate, gates, gathering, gods, group, hands, help, interesting, invoking, join, keeper, lake, level, libation, life, macabre, May, merging, mindful, mythology, nature, north, offering, omen, others, participating, performs, plan, pole, possible, power, praising, prayer, proceedings, procession, pwyll, random, randomly, recites, retreat, returned, rhiannon, ritual, sacred, sacrifices, seeing, space, spectating, spiritual, Spring, staff, states, statues, stone, T50YP, the, time, travel, trout, united, washington, welsh, west, year, yore, yourself
Posted on June 5, 2017
January 26, 2017 – Okoboji, Iowa
Just what we needed. I’m sitting around a table in my friend’s parent’s condo with the ‘Boji gang: Lucas, Kyle, and Matt. Lucas (one of my oldest and best friends) introduces the newest gimmick for our annual, debaucherous …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, activities, adventure, america, annual, aquinas, bars, boji, card, chewbacca, clothing, conversation, dancing, darts, days, debaucherous, delighting, drinks, explore, fade, farther, flirting, forward, friends, friendship, friendships, game, games, gang, gathering, geographically, gimmick, goofy, hats, help, important, Iowa, january, laughed, level, lose, mask, matters, midwest, more, music, new, night, nothing, okoboji, old, others, performance, plan, pool, prized, shticks, states, strobe, sunglasses, T50YP, the, thomas, time, together, travel, true, united, unusual, weekend, winter, year
Posted on May 2, 2016
October 10, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota
The cowboys must have had it pretty good in those old bath houses… …I think to myself as I heat up some water for an old-fashioned spit bath. I gather my shaving materials, body wash, and rag (a …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, adventure, america, american, area, available, barbarism, bath, bathing, booze-induced, clean, clean-up, cleanliness, confidence, courtesy, cowboys, daily, depressed, explore, fall, female, feminine, Finland, fond, friend, game, gathering, help, hiking, houses, life, luxury, mindlessly, Minnesota, motivation, naturalists, necessity, normal, north, october, old-fashioned, order, others, plan, presence, rag, remote, running, save, shaving, shenanigans, soaking, social, spit, states, stowe, T50YP, thankful, the, travel, true, united, use, visit, wash, water, women, year
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