Tag: father

July 10, 2018 – Petaluma, California

Thus begins the depressive slide into normality. Living with family, working a cush job, spoiling myself with television and increased alcohol consumption. Not for a lack of trying: I’ve sent messages to hosts listed in the Petaluma area …

May 18, 2018 – Sierra Foothills, California

God, I hope to be half as good of a father. …if I ever am a father. It’s a Friday night, and Meibao brought Cassidy (a new “WWOOFer”) and I to a local musical performance. The band is …

May 7, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington

Breathe in. One… breathe out. Two… …I should have at least participated at the knap-in with the crew. Do I subconsciously use filming as an excuse not to try new things? Back to one. Breathe in. Two… breathe …

February 22, 2017 – Bozeman, Montana

“Are you building a wall?” I ask the young boy at the bar as he places multiple check presenters upright and positions them next to each other in a row. “Yeah, it’s Donald Trump’s wall!” I laugh out …

April 3, 2016 – Helena, Montana

Has it been a year and a half…? My father would be ashamed. I’m thinking about anything other than the lyrics on the projector screen. Anything to shield my ears. Nice church, though. New. Welcoming. My new hosts …

May 18, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

“I wish you’d park in front of your own %&$#ing house…” …the neighbor across the street says to me earlier in the year. We have to park on the street due to limited alley space, and it never …