Tag: difficult

October 3, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

Day two. Day shift. More processing of wine. “Punching down” of the fermenting grapes in the vats. Bottling of the finished product. Filming. Family meals. Enter Gianni: a younger woman from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Fellow Midwesterner. Well, she’s…uhh… Focus, …

February 7, 2017 – Bozeman, Montana

Left turn. Left turn. Left turn. MSU. With enough bus rides to and from the same place, you begin to innately know what stop you’re arriving at or departing from without opening your eyes. You automatically memorize turns. …

End: Year Two, Bozeman, Montana

Reflections: 2016. Two years in now. Although my year in Montana has come with more surprises than my year in Minnesota, I’m feeling more adjusted to my “routine of change.” It seems I’m becoming more of a seasonal …

July 4, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

It’s moments like these that can make a man question everything. Syr is laying on the dock next to her uncle Theo (Mari’s brother), watching the fireworks exploding all around the lake. Mari is there, along with her …

May 18, 2015 – St. Paul, Minnesota

“I wish you’d park in front of your own %&$#ing house…” …the neighbor across the street says to me earlier in the year. We have to park on the street due to limited alley space, and it never …