Tag: develop
Posted on August 7, 2017
May 18, 2017 – Trout Lake, Washington
“That’s a great question…” …I say to Will. But I don’t exactly know how to answer. He is inquiring about how I personally maintain lasting friendships while living this lifestyle. Easier said than done. Weeks ago, he had …
Category: Posts Tags: 50, abandon, adventure, afloat, america, appreciation, attitude, awakened, behind, body, buddhist, care, commit, community, connection, conversation, cultivate, dalai, desire, develop, digital, divulge, embraced, end, engaging, equation, exchanges, experience, explore, friendships, genuine, go, good, happiness, hardest, help, human, important, interaction, interest, lake, lama, lasting, leaving, let, life, lifestyle, liking, living, love, maintain, May, meaningful, media, memorable, mind, mindset, north, nothing, others, people, permanent, perspective, phone, plan, pursuing, real, reasonable, relationships, self, situations, Skype, social, speech, Spring, states, substitute, suffering, sustained, T50YP, taking, talk, technology, the, things, together, touch, travel, travels, trout, united, visit, washington, welfare, west, work, year, yourself
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