Tag: creek

October 6, 2018 – Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California

Day five. Our first day off from work. Since a few of us have vehicles, we decide to go out on an adventure to Fern Canyon per Miles’ recommendation. I drive Johanne, Gabriela, and Gianni. I take pleasure …

October 2, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

Commence work day #1. We wake up around 7am. Breakfast standard = every WWOOFer for themselves. It’s bottling day, therefore, we divide into day and night shifts. I work the day shift with Greg, Rein, Johanne, and Miles, …

October 1, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

What an incredible group of people.  There are nine of us around the “WWOOFER kitchen” tables. It’s an open kitchen, and therefore susceptible to the elements. Tonight is a nice night. One of us prepared a family-style meal, …

October 1, 2018 – CA HWY 1 (Part 2)

The weather turns. No more stops for photos, I guess. Oh well. Pass Elk, pass Albion, pass Mendocino. The interview with Andy went well. God, that guy was hilarious. Can’t wait to put the video together. I made …

October 1, 2018 – CA HWY 1 (Part 1)

Time to get in deep… I think to myself as I begin the drive from Petaluma to Willow Creek. The experience at the farm with Andy was good, but I’m craving full immersion. The work exchanges are so …