Tag: canyon

July 25, 2018 – Mammoth Lakes, California

…And in the blink of an eye, our time is up. But we made every minute count. This year’s “cousin trip” locales included: -Downtown San Francisco -Sequoia National Park -Tioga Road (Avoiding Yosemite Valley due to fire closures) …

August 12, 2016 – Bozeman, Montana

It’s crazy how fast one year can go. A shooting star appears, then vanishes. Just a year ago I was in Minnesota watching the Perseid meteor shower in a boat on a lake with my friends. This year …

May 1, 2016 – Hungry Horse, Montana

The landscape of this state is nothing short of magnificent. I’m on my way to host number six. Heading west out of Helena, I-90 takes me through Missoula (with a pit stop in the ghost town of Garnet). …