Tag: camping

October 1, 2018 – Willow Creek, California

What an incredible group of people.  There are nine of us around the “WWOOFER kitchen” tables. It’s an open kitchen, and therefore susceptible to the elements. Tonight is a nice night. One of us prepared a family-style meal, …

July 25, 2018 – Mammoth Lakes, California

…And in the blink of an eye, our time is up. But we made every minute count. This year’s “cousin trip” locales included: -Downtown San Francisco -Sequoia National Park -Tioga Road (Avoiding Yosemite Valley due to fire closures) …

July 10, 2018 – Petaluma, California

Thus begins the depressive slide into normality. Living with family, working a cush job, spoiling myself with television and increased alcohol consumption. Not for a lack of trying: I’ve sent messages to hosts listed in the Petaluma area …

March 12, 2017 – Big Sky, Montana

It took three months, but I’m finally up here. No more bus rides. No more tolerating disrespectful, inconsiderate passengers. I can walk to work in ten minutes. Instead, I’ll be tolerating disrespectful, inconsiderate neighbors throughout my next month …

September 27, 2016 – Port Townsend, Washington

Well, this is one way to spend a vacation. Cleaning dead rats out of a basement doesn’t exactly meet my ideals of a good time, but when you visit a fellow traveler at their host’s place… It hasn’t …

September 17, 2016 – Wise River, Montana

Well, this was unexpected. Last winter, I worked at Lutsen Resort in Minnesota for a guy named Jim. Quite the adventurous type, he talked a lot about his time in Alaska and Montana. When I told him I …

August 25, 2016 – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

“And that… is a brief history of my colon.” My cousin Molly always had a way with words. She’s driving my other cousins (Kelsey, Reese) and I from Yellowstone National Park to the Grand Tetons whilst entertaining us …

July 31, 2016 – Hungry Horse, Montana

A timeline of the most remarkable July of my life: July 4th – Miri and I walk around Hungry Horse and observe hundreds of people lighting off their own fireworks in the center of town. The celebration lasts …