Tag: anchor

June 27, 2018 – Sausalito, California

Oh, God… Jeff got robbed. The back hatch is open; the bow window is open as well. The second kayak and paddle are gone. I shine my flashlight around the interior of The Jubilee. It’s a mess. Papers …

June 5, 2018 – Sausalito, California

“So…what is this ‘Jubilee’?” …I ask Jeff as we sip our drinks at the local Starbucks. Unable to bring myself to adopt his methods (borrowing a newspaper and using their hot water to make tea), I purchased a …

May 28, 2018 – Sausalito, California

What a nightmare. It’s Memorial Day in Sausalito, California. Countless tourists flood the streets. They come to see the sights, visit the shops, enjoy the weather. With this view of San Francisco, who can blame us? I’m walking …