Tag: bozeman

August 12, 2016 – Bozeman, Montana

It’s crazy how fast one year can go. A shooting star appears, then vanishes. Just a year ago I was in Minnesota watching the Perseid meteor shower in a boat on a lake with my friends. This year …

August 10, 2016 – Bozeman, Montana

Our food system in this county is appalling. Working in the food service industry for over ten years has shown me plenty about America’s wasteful habits, but this is new to me. Dumpster diving. Not necessarily your typical …

August 2, 2016 – Bozeman, Montana

As I arrive in Bozeman, I find myself in awe yet again. With the Bridger Mountains to the northeast, Big Belt Mountains to the northwest, Madison Range to the southwest, and Gallatin Range to the south, Bozeman’s geographical …