Category: Posts

October 6, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

Sober October is so much easier in the middle of the woods. It was a year ago when I stumbled upon the cause, riding through the London Underground in late September. Oddly enough, I saw the ad for …

October 5, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

I can’t believe people do this. I’m being chauffeured up the most ridiculous “road” I’ve ever encountered – an old logging road that hasn’t been maintained in years. My driver is a friend of my new hosts; he …

September 24, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

“Hoo, hoo hoo…” Almost as if on cue, we’re greeted by a horned owl as we walk towards the grove. My host is leading the way, torch in hand. He gently strikes the gong with a mallet before …

September 23, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

“And I will sing this song…” My eyes are closed as I listen to a small chorus of mostly naked female naturalists, along with my hosts’ son, who is completely nude. I wish I had that kind of …

September 15, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

This can’t be happening. I’m holding a past lover in my arms, wading through a public swimming pool. We must be on a romantic getaway… but where? Just us? As I start questioning the reality of this situation …

September 7, 2015 – Finland, Minnesota

From riches to rags. Well, not exactly. But this is quite the opposite set-up compared to my last host. The community cabin for the farm workers has no running water, no bathroom, limited electricity due to the solar …

August 12, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Before we know it, we see another meteor. What an incredible night. One of my friends hosted a fire/party tonight, which led up to a midnight boat ride on one of the clearest nights I’ve seen in a …

July 26, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

“I’m a model, currently living in L.A…” …Says the most drop dead gorgeous girl I’ve talked to this summer. Far fetched, but I’d believe it. I tell her that I work here, and point to my mom and …

July 23, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Oh, there you are. You’ve been away for awhile. I’m sitting in a meditative stance underwater, submersed up to my neck. I just went for a jog – the first since I’ve been here. It’s easy to get …

July 18, 2015 – Crosslake, Minnesota

Well, this takes me back. I feel much too old to be hanging out with these college-aged co-workers of mine at a bonfire-turned-house party, but how could I possibly say no? They’re young, attractive, and Minnesota nice. Did …