Category: Posts

June 24, 2019 – Crosslake, Minnesota

And I’m back. I can’t say that I ever really pictured coming back to Crosslake for round two, but here we are. I visited Mari and Syr (my first hosts) recently, and Kaia happened to be in town …

April 17, 2019 – Turrialba, Costa Rica

“Whenever you go to a place there’s something magical about learning the process,” Gabriela states as I listen intently. “Not just consuming. Learning how it grows, how does it affect the land, how does it affect your life? …

April 14, 2019 – San Francisco, California

“On belay.” I confirm with Tara to ensure that she has set up the belay. “Belay on,” she responds. She works at a climbing gym in the city and offered to treat my cousin Kelsey and I to …

April 12, 2019 – Lake Tahoe, California

“I know a place where I want to go Could you just stay by my side It’ll be alright” I can’t believe it’s over already. Before leaving Tahoe, I promised myself that I would drive around the lake …

March 17, 2019 – South Lake Tahoe, California

Mobile status: Engaged. As I’m walking downtown with my friend Melissa, I’m reminded how good it feels to have everything I own back in my car and ready to move on. Though I’ll be here for another month, …

March 6, 2019 – South Lake Tahoe, California

“You really inspired me! I’m giving away all my stuff and leaving at the end of the month.” STOP IT. Are you serious? I’m nearly in disbelief as I read a Facebook message from a friend and fellow …

February 10, 2019 – Kirkwood Mountain, California

“Do you want to use this as a pillow?” I ask a guest as I present a bag of small towels. “Oh, thank you so much,” he responds as he lays across a number of lined up chairs …

January 8, 2019 – Kirkwood Mountain, California

Click. Click, click. I adjust the frame and take a deep breath. Exhale. Click. A smile finds its way to my face as I enjoy a rare “me day” on the mountain. I’m at the top of “The …

December 31, 2018 – Kirkwood Mountain, California

I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t drinking over the holidays. 18? 19? I made a pact a couple weeks ago with a family member (to support their sobriety), but the significance really sinks in as I …

December 4, 2018 – South Lake Tahoe, California

“That’s the best shot I’ll have all night.” That’s what I say to Emma after sinking a stripe into a corner pocket. “Oh, yeah?” she replies as we look at each other and smile. She takes a drink …